Take A Break & Guess The Famous Robots [Chart]

There’s nothing like a geeky “Guess The Famous Robots” game to give your brain a break right now. If you are like me, most days you are so focused on what you are doing that you are able to tune out the entire world and zone in on whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. On those days, the hours are only measured by the light coming in through the window. It’s dark outside when you start working and dark outside when you stop working. When you “lose time” like that while you are concentrating, you know you are passionate about whatever it is you are doing.

I have those days often, but I had an extra big one yesterday. I completely lost time. I was so focused on what I was doing that the entire day felt like it lasted about an hour. I have the perfect little game for you if you are having one of those days, and you just need to take five minutes to rest your eyes, relax your brain and drink a glass of water. It’s a game of guessing famous robots.

I have no idea why artist Daniel Nyari decided to create this poster of famous robots, but I thank him for it. According to his website, “This project highlights specifically those non human, non animal characters from TV, video games, cinema and comics that gave us every reason to feel nostalgic.” He included classic robots, modern robots and non-robot famous robots in this list. Now the only question is, can you name them all? I thought about putting the list in this article, but I decided not to let you off the hook that easy. If you want to see the list, you are going to have to click on the link below. You can buy a print of this on society6 for $18. Okay, this officially concludes our five-minute break. Time to get back to work!

Can You Guess All These Famous Robots?

(Here Are The Answers)











Via: [Jay Mug]