Great Computer Pranks | The Geek Style

Hacking away at the keyboard day out and day in can become quite boring if you don’t manage to do something entertaining every once in a while. Now, watching a movie, play some XBox or even socialize on Twitter are great ways to get some time off from the ole brain abuser (which I use to call it when I hack away on a new CSS design or whatever code I am putting down), But, there are other things you could do to make your day just a little more interesting and fun.

For example, making your cubicle neighbor scream out in fear of believing his or her computer has gone “fried”. You, that’s right! I have found the tricks to create some rather interesting retrievable mayhem at the office and in the meantime get a laugh out of it. I know my share pranks (however I am saving them for later, he he) but these are actually 5 great ways to really turn the dull into fun with just a few clicks.

Oh, just make sure you watch the whole clip so you know how to undo the mayhem you cause because if you don’t…well then you will most probably have your boss breathing down your neck if they catch you in the act and are not able to reverse it. Just a thought.