DIY TARDIS Police Box Fridge Turns Your Kitchen Into A Geek’s Paradise

Can you imagine how awesome it would be to turn your refrigerator into a real TARDIS? It could be your own secret hideaway for whenever you need to get away. It would be big enough inside to fit you, your friends, and all the food you would ever need. Unfortunately, that kind of police box doesn’t exist yet. However, this one does. This is a DIY TARDIS fridge. It may not open up like a real TARDIS, but it will still turn your kitchen into a geek’s paradise.

This is actually a police box skin that carefully fits onto your ordinary refrigerator. Aside from the skin, there are a few additional add-ons which complete the transformation of your refrigerator into a TARDIS. The beacon on the top really works, and you can even get a special phone door for your freezer. The audio module on the inside can be programmed to make your favorite Doctor Who sounds whenever you open the door.

This very geeky refrigerator mod was conceived and created by Joy Alyssa Day. You can click over to her blog post entitled Making A TARDIS Refrigerator to read about where she got her inspiration, and how she put it all together. As you have probably figured out, this will look best on refrigerators that have these kind of French doors. You can put the skin on other refrigerators, but in order to make the police box look real, this kind of fridge is best.

If you would like to dress up your kitchen and transform your own refrigerator into a TARDIS, you can purchase the kit to do this on Glass Sculpture. It costs $185 for the custom size. If you want to make your own TARDIS (instead of ordering a skin for your fridge) click over to DIY TARDIS: Because Every Woman Needs Her Own TARDIS.

DIY TARDIS Police Box Fridge


This Is the Little Door For Your Freezer


Via: [Incredible Things] [Laughing Squid]