Captain Nemo Fan Builds 32-Foot Replica Of The Nautilus Submarine

To be eccentric doesn’t always mean to be weird. Sometimes it means you have a wider view of what can be achieved and want to reach a different state of living. For Georgia native Danny McWilliams, 56, it is all about realizing imaginative things. While Danny certainly seems whimsical, his dedication and innovation could make a lot of people smile. The reason being is because Danny is in full gear replicating Captain Nemo’s legendary Nautilus submarine.

When done the replica will measure 32 feet and will boast some pretty cool features. Don’t go thinking this incredible build will ever see the epic sceneries of any sea or lake anytime soon as the build looks more like a playground build for now. The fact that imaginative details like the wooden funny-looking rear end propeller and side windows made out of glass bowls (which are permanently incorporated into the build) states the safest thing to say would be that this is actually a playground build.

The assessment is actually correct as Danny, as eccentrically dedicated as he may seem about the build plans to donate the finished Nautilus submarine to a museum in Florida. There are still several details to be added to it but once implemented there will probably be a bunch of happy kids crawling around in and on top of it. As we all know, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is one of the world’s most captivating and mesmerizing books ever written. The sheer impressive look of this Nautilus submarine would make any kid’s imagination run wild with excitement.

It is because of people like Danny McWilliams that most of our childhoods were as magical as they were. By making this Nautilus Submarine available to children to play in, there is going to be yet another generation of kids that will have the pleasure of immersing themselves in Jules Verne’s classic book. The submarine has been in construction for about a year, and there are still things to be added to it. However, once it’s done I am sure we’ll see more photos of the amazing creation.

Danny McWilliams’ 32-Foot Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Scale Nautilus Submarine Replica

Via: [Design You Trust]