Canstruction: Insanely Retro Canned Food Sculptures

We have stated it many times before, but there is no denying that art comes in a plethora of shapes and styles. There is just no predicting it, and the more out-there it is, the more attention it seems to attract. When I was living in Los Angeles for a brief moment, I was amazed by the store food displays that the grocery stores around the block from where I lived managed to build. I have never seen that in Sweden. It’s actually pretty cool that stores go to all that trouble in order to entice customers to buy their products. The cans were stacked as pyramids, and usually when someone took a can off it, there was someone there instantly to replace it to keep the build looking as perfect as possible all the time.

However, the ones I saw were nothing compared to the insanely creative and sometimes over the top builds that some stores manage to put together. Their amazement becomes quite apparent during the annual Canstruction that is held to show off the most elaborate builds using food cans as their only material. It might seem like a geeky thing to do, and above all, a silly waste of food. However, that is exactly why they use canned food. That way, the food won’t be spoiled and can be used by shoppers or whoever acquires them.

The only thing I am worried about is that I have been told that once you dent a can, you should no longer use it since the metal inside the can is potentially releasing some toxic chemical into the food making it somewhat not good for you. I have no clue whether this is true or not; however, I am always super careful about it whenever I buy a can of anything. If it’s dented, it’s not going into my shopping cart, that’s an ultimate rule when I shop. Now take a look at these insane builds and let yourself be marveled by the creativity. My favorites are The Simpsons and Kenny from Southpark. Brilliantly done!

Canstruction Canned Food Build Concepts

Canstruction Canned Food Build Concepts

Canstruction Canned Food Build Concepts

Canstruction Canned Food Build Concepts

Via [Todos Somos Frikis]