Beautifully Designed Bottles – Now Your Tap Water Has Style!

I wrote an article a few weeks ago about a couple of guys who started a company called “Boxed Water Is Better.” They suggest that drinking water out of a box is better for the environment than drinking it from plastic bottles. You can read that article here. Although I believe it is a step in the right direction, many people criticize this as an alternative and suggest we should all just drink tap water and stop purchasing our water.

In an effort to get people to drink more tap water, Faucet Face is creating a line of glass water bottles designed by artists. Apparently one of the reasons why we like purchasing our water is because of the trendy looking water bottles. Faucet Face is trying to combat that by creating glass bottles that are just as trendy, but for filling with tap water. The “hose water” bottle is my favorite. It reminds me of running through the sprinkler outside in the summertime when I was six.

According to, “For years now, bottled water companies have spent millions of dollars to try and persuade us that their water is more pure than tap water. Unfortunately tap has never had a marketing budget to help it stand up for itself.” These are strong glass bottles with caps made of BPA-free plastic. I’d pay $15 for one of these, how about you? 5% of the proceeds goes straight to Charity Water. Besides, everything tastes better in glass, right?