2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

In just a few days the Olympic torch will be lit and the countdown to the games will begin. Vancouver has been preparing for this grand event for years, building new facilities, hotels, streets and making surrounding cities a beautiful experience for the thousands of people traveling to Canada. I am very excited to watch the opening ceremony on February 12th. If you want to keep up with everything Olympics, check here.

Canadian artists Corrine Hunt and Omer Arbel were the creative minds behind designing the Olympic medals. Although they clearly state that the entire process was collaborative, the original artwork was created by Corrine. I encourage you to watch the video of the making of the Olympic Medals here. You will notice they took pieces of the artwork to create unique and individual medals, no one being the same. The designs were laser etched into the metal surface, while the metal itself was formed from reclaimed electronic parts. This in and of itself is not only fascinating but also encouraging to see that all aspects of the creative and manufacturing process were considered.

The shape of the medals is also non traditional, it reflects the Northwestern landscape, rolling mountains and water.


