Meet Gary – The Cutest 8-Bit Costume You’ve Ever Seen

This is just the geeky kind of project that would be a dream come true for me. Wouldn’t it be fun to make one of these costumes one weekend? It would make for an inspiring Saturday afternoon!

This particular 8-bit costume was created by Kiel Johnson and Klai Brown for a Toshiba commercial. Hmm… I didn’t know that Toshiba was that cool, nice! They apparently cut the pixels out of high-density foam, painted them, and then glued them to the cardboard structure you see below. This pixilated man, who is surprisingly stylish, is named Gary. I think he’s pretty darn cute.

I’ve tried to put the pictures below in the correct sequence so you can get a feel for how this was done. I truly can’t think of a better Halloween costume!

[via boingboing]