Illustration: Classic Disney Animals Drawn As Humans

Did you watch comics on television after school in the late 80s and early 90s? Do you remember Disney Afternoon? It was a two-hour block of cartoons that featured many Disney characters we now consider to be classics. These characters were mostly animals like chipmunks, ducks and other non-human beings (I could never tell what some of them were supposed to be).

Have you ever wondered what these creatures would look like if they were human? I haven’t. As a matter of fact, it seems kind of creepy to me. After all, Chip and Dale are not supposed to be human. That’s just wrong. However, these illustrations are done so well, and they are so creative, I just had to share them with you.

Very talented deviantARTist E.D. Thweatt transformed 20 Disney cartoons into humans. As comics alliance points out, which is really funny, some of these animals weren’t wearing pants in the cartoons. Now that they are humans, obviously clothes are appropriate. Good thing E.D. thought of that detail. Can you guess who all of these are supposed to be? It’s kinda trippy, isn’t it? You can see more of his illustrations on his deviatART page.

Classic Disney Characters As People

Classic Disney Characters As People

Classic Disney Characters As People

Classic Disney Characters As People

Classic Disney Characters As People

Classic Disney Characters As People

Via: [The Mary Sue]