Famous Photographs Recreated With Star Wars Figurines

There have been a boatload of famous photographs taken throughout the course of our history. Some are way more historic than others, but almost every single one is epic in one way or another. Some have become imprinted in our minds, and every time we see them, certain memories are automatically triggered. Don’t worry, I won’t try to list every single famous or historic photograph in this article. It would be too big of a job to undertake. I am sure when we read the words “famous photographs,” we all have different images that pop into our heads, and you can imagine that trying to get them all in here would be impossible.

I don’t even think I have to look around for these photographs since David Eger, a Canadian art teacher, has taken it upon himself to recreate some of the world’s most memorable photographs using Star Wars figurines. Yup, how could you miss an opportunity to check these images, right? After all, you are here and I am sure you are thrilled by the fact that they all include the Star Wars factor.

I remember Diana writing an article called Famous Photographs From History Recreated With Lego that has some of these images as well. Those photographs are all about LEGO and are masterfully taken, just like these. The question is whether or not you prefer LEGO or Star Wars when it comes to our history recreated in geeky images. Some of these photographs (the originals I mean) were actually posters that some of us have had in our teenage rooms at some point in time. It is remarkable how we are able to reinvent things in order to keep them fresh in our own minds. I wonder if people in about a thousand years from now will look at these and wonder what the hell was going on around here during the beginning of the 21st century. I would if I were one of them.












Via: [Gizmodiva]