DIY Recycle Plastic Bags Into Useful Woven Baskets

There are tons of craft blogs out there that offer creative ideas when it comes to recycling and repurposing. I’ve even found some new ones lately that I learned about on Pinterest. Out of all of them though, I always seem to come back to my favorite one, which is Radmegan. It’s a blog run by Megan Andersen, and it’s always full of the most unique craft ideas ever.

For me, plastic bags are always a challenge because I want to recycle them instead of just throwing them in the garbage can. Recently, I started bringing my own cloth bags to the store (which a lot of people here do), so I don’t have as many plastic bags as I used to. However, I usually have a drawer in my kitchen full of them all the time.

I’ve written before about how you can crochet the plastic from those bags into a cozy blanket for the homeless. Today I’d like to share with you Megan’s idea, which is to weave them into cute little baskets. After four hours of twisting and molding, she created this medium sized basket. She even incorporated the different colors from the different bags into the basket. This is so much better than letting those bags fill up a landfill somewhere. Surprisingly, it doesn’t look that hard to do it either. If you’d like to try it for yourself, please click over to Megan’s article called Going Green with Wrapped Baskets.





Via: [Radmegan]