Deli Sculptures: Gadgets Made From Meat

It’s right smack in the middle of the day here in Atlanta, and if you are like me, you are working your butt off right now trying to make some progress on your goals. Whether it’s a client deadline or a deadline you set for yourself, you are making the most of each hour. If you’ve got the famous “eye-twitch” that many computer geeks get after too many hours in front of the screen, I’ve got the perfect solution for you.

Get up from your desk, do 25 jumping jacks and drink a glass of cold water. That will take care of jolting your body back into reality. Now let’s take care of your mind. What you need is something ridiculously stupid to look at to take your mind off that important project. You need to check out something so dumb that it makes you smile. How about some gadgets (and other doodads) made out of deli meat?

We are no strangers to featuring meaty geeky goodness. I remember the Ham iPhone that Richard wrote about last year. If I had that thing I’d want to grab two pieces of bread, some mayo and go to town. Opps… I ate my iPhone. We also wrote about a big ‘ol slab of eel and some rice on a Japanese inspired Unagi iPhone Case. Today, I’d like to show you some other silliness with these little geeky yummies made from meat. Enjoy! [Designer: Rutger de Vries]






Via: [That’s Like Whoa]