Beer Cupcakes: Corona & Blue Moon Sweetness

It’s 11:00am as I’m writing this, and it feels like midnight to me. Have you ever had one of those days when you were so busy that you didn’t even have time to leave your desk to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water? That’s my day today. So, when I saw these beer-infused cupcakes, I instantly knew I had to share them with you.

It’s okay to drink beer before 5:00pm if it’s in the form of a cupcake, right? Yeah, I’m all over these. I could eat about two or three of these suckers right now. It would be just the beer/sugar rush I need to make it through the rest of this day.

Of course, these were made by Erica at Erica’s Sweet Tooth. I swear, that girl whips up the most creative cupcakes ever! The last time I wrote about her, it was when she made these cupcakes that look like teeth. And, yes, those cupcakes (which look like molars) are anatomically correct. You did it again Erica! I’d like at least one of each right now. The pieces of orange and lime on top are such a creative finishing touch. If you’d like to get the recipe so you can make these for yourself, you can click over to Blue Moon and Corona Cupcakes. Nom nom!

Cupcakes Made With Beer

Cupcakes Made With Beer

Cupcakes Made With Beer