Small Suitcase Transforms Into An Office Desk With Two Stools & A Lamp

The world of mobile technology that we live in has opened a lot of doors for us all. My favorite part of my job is that I can work from anywhere. I’ve worked here on Bit Rebels from as far away as Shanghai and as close as my bed. A lot of people I know work with the same flexibility, and if you do also, you’ll probably agree that it adds to the quality of your workdays. This portable, small suitcase office design made me laugh. It’s perfect for those of us who are on the go.

This small suitcase design is called BOXED, and it was created by designer Tyrone Stoddart. It’s a portable suitcase that anyone could carry around just in case they need a quick office. If something comes up that you need a desk, you just open the suitcase and follow the directions to instantly transform it into an office table, two stools and a lamp. Then when you’re finished working, you just fold it and pack it all back up in the wooden suitcase and off you go. It’s the ultimate portable office setup.

To make this design even sweeter, each BOXED suitcase comes with a pouch of ash tree seeds so the owner can plant the seeds to replenish the materials used to make this desk design. Since I live in the city, and there’s a coffee shop on almost every corner, I can’t imagine this being very practical. However, it’s a very warm and cozy design idea, and it has so much charm. I’m not sure exactly if or where you can purchase this, but you can always contact the designer on the link above. Who would ever think so much could fit into one small suitcase?

Small Suitcase Transforms Into A Portable Office For Anywhere


(Click Image Below To Enlarge)





Via: [Design Taxi] [psfk]