How To Use Guest Posts To Rank Your Site For Relevant Keywords

Search engines still happen to be among the greatest and most significant sources of traffic to your site. That means that you cannot ignore the value of search engine optimization (SEO) if you want to get your site ranked higher on Google and other search engines. So, what does guest blogging have to do with all of this? Guest blogging is the submission of articles on other blogs with target audiences similar to your own to expand the reach of your content and also to build links that direct traffic back to your site.

Before we begin, you should know that you can get a guest posting service to do all of this for you. It is cheaper and easier and takes the pressure off of you so you can focus on the more important stuff. However, if you want to go it alone, let’s continue.

The tricks that help your blog post to rank for relevant keywords are the same as those that work for regular blog posts. Here are some of the tips you can use.

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Put Keywords In The Titles Of Your Blog Posts

One of the best and most effective ways to put keywords into your blog is to have them in the titles to your guest blogs and other types of blog articles. This helps to make your site visible to more people as the title is the first thing they see on the search engine results page (SERP). Be careful with this, however, since your title should be able to motivate people to read your blog post. It should not lose that motivational quality, even as you put your keywords in it.

Don’t Use Too Many Keyword Phrases In Your Blog Post

If you want to get the most amount of traffic from your blog post, then you will have to pick two of the most relevant long-tailed keywords and focus on those in your blog post. When you have too many keyword phrases in your content, your content will feel too diluted for your readers, and it will give them a spammy vibe. In fact, search engines will be very likely to see it as spam, and that could hurt how well your post ranks.

Distribute Keywords Throughout Your Post

This one is a delicate one as you should do it without stuffing keywords into your blog post. What you’re looking for is to have as many keywords in your blog post without it looking spammy. The first 200 characters should include a keyword as well as an even distribution of the keywords in the body of the post, and then a mention of the keyword at the conclusion of the post. Again, be careful not to do keyword stuffing.

Don’t Forget The Alt-Text On Your Images

In case you’re adding any images to your post, you should include the keywords you’re targeting in the alt-text to those images. This is the text that will be shown to the reader in case the page fails to load your images. It is also used by search engines when they try to rank your page. The search engines will crawl the HTML on the page and look for tags that will give it a clue on what keywords to rank the page for.

If you are interested in even more business-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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