Lookout Labs Introduces Mobile Threat Tracker

Mobile operating systems have become a playground for hackers looking to steal personal information. Until now, it’s been difficult for ordinary smartphone users to know just how prevalent malicious software has become. Yesterday, Lookout Mobile Security released a new app for Android users called Mobile Threat Tracker.

Mobile Threat Tracker is an interactive app featuring an interactive 3D globe that shows the geographic location of every threat blocked by Lookout users in “near real-time.”

In addition, Mobile Threat Tracker also contains an up-to-date list of the top three threats facing Android users and what those threats do. As of this writing, the top three threats were RuPaidMarket, Depositmobi and Legacy. The most frightening of which is Legacy, which is an application that contains a Trojan that allows its creators to potentially take control over the device, as well as send private data to a remote server.

While the scope of Mobile Threat Tracker is limited to only malicious software blocked by Lookout, it’s alarming to see how often people encounter attempts to steal information. I’m definitely going to be much more cautious with the content that I download on my Droid Incredible.

Despite the fact that Mobile Threat Tracker lacks much stand-alone utility, it’s still really fun and interesting to use. If for no other reason that you can spin the interactive globe and manipulate the speed of the timeline, while watching little green and white lights fly around your screen.

After seeing the data on Mobile Threat Tracker, I highly recommend downloading Lookout. It’s free and will help keep your personal information safe on your mobile device.

Have you used Lookout on your iPhone or Android device? Have you had a chance to take a look at Mobile Threat Tracker? Let us know in the comments!

Mobile Security Android App

Via: [Lookout Blog] Image Credits: [Lookout Labs]